Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Currently reading ..


I'm currently reading Out by Natsuo Kirino, a  Japanese author. I like Kafka On The Shore by Haruki Murakami  as it's set in a Library and Murakami's books are interesting social commentaries and on the surreal side.  Thing is, I haven't finished Out and am due to discuss at a book club meeting. Hope no one tells me the ending or  I will be mortified.  Out is not for the faint hearted but good for fans of crime and thrillers.

Thing # 4 Flickr

Amur Leopard by Little Lioness

I'm liking the search facility on Flickr as  I found some amur leopards. Some of the images are copyright restricted though.  It's easy to upload your own photos but I found it harder to store them in folders as the interface seems quite basic.  I like the fact it's a Yahoo product so  I didn't have to create yet another account!